“For Jung, the way to get past the narrowness of any single archetypal perspective was to recognize that it participated in the wider whole that he called the Self.” -- John Beebe, Integrity in Depth

Posts filed under 'Miscellaneous'

Pearman Personality Integrator

A New Approach to Personality Type

The Pearman Personality Integrator

Presented by

Roger Pearman

Thursday, November 10, 2016

6:00 to 6:45 pm Potluck and Networking

(Bring a dish to share, beverages provided)

6:45 to 9:00 pm Program

Location: Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Cost: $10.00 members; $25.00 for non-members. Members may bring a guest at the member rate. Register below.

Special Offer: Take the Pearman Personality Integrator for only $60.00. However you must register before November 1, 2016 to be sent the instructions on how to take the Integrator. For a preview of the Integrator go to: https://tap.mhs.com/pearman.aspx

Ever coached an individual or presented type assessment results and have you coachee or class members say, “But this isn’t how I truly am at home.”  Or have them say, “I am not either one or the other—I’m both.”  Or maybe even, “these descriptions are very general and like a horoscope.”

With the Pearman Personality Integrator (PPI), your coachee or class participants will receive information about how they feel they Naturally are and what they feel they have to Demonstrate.  They will learn how much Extraversion and Introversion they rely on.  Their reports are one among more than a million possibilities—getting closer to a unique look.  Rather than stopping with four preferences, individuals get to look at their psychological type system at a deep level—the role of each mental function, such as Introverted Sensing or Extraverted Sensing for each person is examined.

Because development requires being able to flex, the Pearman Personality Integrator gives a report covering five essential aspects of flexibility.  Each individual receives results on the five areas of attention need to have the capability to flex to meet the demands of everyday life.

Psychological Type is about a system of perceiving and judging active for each individual.  The PPI gives you insight in to the entire system.  Participants in this program will learn about the development and science behind the PPI and see how the reports produce unique insights.  {You can choose to take the assessment and get your report by paying for the administration with your registration}.

Dr. Roger Pearman is no stranger to our chapter and we are glad to welcome him back. He is regarded as one of the world’s preeminent experts in the field of personality type, with over 30 years as an active proponent of continued research and exploration on the nature of psychological type. As a coach, author, academic, and researcher, he is the recipient of multiple lifetime achievement and contribution awards. His extensive work with personality has led to great insight into personality type and evidence for a deeper complexity needed in personality type assessments. The culmination of Dr. Pearman’s expertise and immense insight led to the development of the Pearman Personality Integrator, an assessment built on a strong foundation of theory, empirical data, and practical application.

Peaman Personality Integrator

October 8th, 2016

Type and Mindfulness

Type and Mindfulness

Presented by

David Hughey

Thursday, September 22, 2016

6:00 to 6:45 pm Potluck and Networking

(Bring a dish to share, beverages provided)

6:45 to 9:00 pm Program

Location: Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Cost: $10.00 members; $25.00 for non-members. Members may bring a guest at the member rate.

Mindfulness has been a buzzword in leadership and organizational development ever since the mindfulness program at Google began receiving international attention five years ago. The practice of mindfulness, which will be introduced at the workshop, is about being present and aware in each moment of experience – easier said than done!

Google’s program, which is based in part on the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program offered at many healthcare facilities, remains true to the principles of mindfulness as taught in the ancient practice of insight meditation. But in other programs there has been considerable misunderstanding of what mindfulness is and how it can be beneficial.

By examining areas of wisdom that guided both Carl Jung in his understanding of psychological type and today’s most experienced mindfulness teachers, this workshop will:

    Explore how participants can incorporate mindfulness in their own type development and in their work with clients. 

   Give type practitioners valuable insight into how much type development has already fostered their development of mindfulness.

David Hughey  

Dave has practiced mindfulness meditation since 1976 and has been a type practitioner since 2006. As a management consultant and leadership coach, he also draws on his thirty years of executive experience in newspaper and digital publishing.  His formal education was at Duke (B.S./psychology) and Kenan-Flagler UNC (MBA), and his certifications include MBTI Master Practitioner, EQ-i, FIRO-B, TKI Advanced Conflict Training, and Neuroscience of Personality Type. Among his most valuable learning experiences was the series of workshops on the mental functions and archetypes that was taught by Jungian analyst John Beebe between 2007 and 2013.

Dave received his insight (mindfulness) meditation training at many retreats from teachers including Rodney Smith, Joseph Goldstein, Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, Christopher Titmus and Leigh Brasington. His ongoing study of Buddhist psychology has included courses at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies. He is a regular speaker at Triangle Insight in Durham, a mindfulness meditation community that meets weekly.

More information about his experience can be found at www.transitionleading.com.

Mindfulness and Type

August 29th, 2016

Mission, Vision, and Donuts

Mission, Vision, and Donuts


The NC RTC APT Board of Directors

requests your participation

as we create a new vision for the chapter


Thursday, August 25, 2016

6:00 to 6:45 pm Potluck and Networking

Bring a dish to share, beverages (including wine) and DONUTS provided

6:45 to 9:00 pm Visioning Discussion

Location: Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Cost:  This special meeting is FREE to all, please bring your great ideas for 2017!

No need to register, just come.


We need everyone’s help.  The Association for Psychological Type (APT) is in trouble.  At the international level membership is declining.  At the chapter level we struggle to find leadership and programming that is relevant and engaging to our long-time members, and enticing and informative to our new and potential members. If we are going to keep APT as a resource and a community, we need to create a new vision that engages and enlightens our membership in new ways. We are asking everyone to participate in this process.  Even if you are not currently a member, please come and tell us what we could offer that would compel you to become involved.

  • What do you need from the chapter?
  • What programs interest you most?
  • What do you wish the chapter would try?
  • What would compel you to participate more?
  • In what way would you like to contribute to the chapter?

We are inviting some guests representing APT International to join us remotely so they can briefly share an overview of their efforts to survey members in their visioning process.  Remember, all registered chapter members are automatically Basic Level members of APTi. Please share what you need most from the parent organization.

Don’t leave all the decision-making to the Board of Directors!
Please join us in this important discussion to define the future of the chapter.


August 15th, 2016

Annual Halloween Party Type and Nightmares

Type and Nightmares

(How nightmares can be your friends)

 Presented by

 Ann Loomis and Walter Smith

 Thursday, October 22, 2015

6:00 to 6:45 pm Potluck Dinner and Networking

(Bring a dish to share, beverages provided)

6:45 to 9:00 pm Program

Come dressed as one of your nightmares, favorite dream characters, or just come. Costumes not required.

Binkley Baptist Church


Register Below

Topics to be covered:

What are nightmares?

Types of nightmares

Psychological type and nightmares

Sharing of costumes

How to work through your nightmares

How nightmares can be your friends

Ann Loomis

Ann Loomis, ESFP, is an experienced workshop leader, teacher, and author of Write from the Start: Discover your Writing Potential through the Power of Psychological Type as well as Celtic Cycles: Guidance from the Soul on the Spiritual Journey. She has twice been president of The C.G. Jung
Society of the Triangle Area and is currently vice-president of the Research Triangle Chapter of the Association for Psychological Type, International. She considers herself a Celtic Jungian.


Walter by Susan Saadholland

Walter R. Smith (INFJ) is an MBTI® Master Practitioner, Temperament Certified ™ Professional, and President of Lifeweb Resources, a teaching learning company dedicated to helping people be more effective and caring at work and at home. He has used the MBTI® extensively in helping committees to be more
effective and helping couples prepare for marriage. He is VP for Programs and Communications for the Research Triangle Chapter of the Association of Psychological Type, International.


Type and Nightmares

October 2nd, 2015

What we Learned from Dario Nardi on the Neuroscience of Personality

What we Learned from Dario Nardi on the

Neuroscience of Personality


Presented by:

Krista Babbitt and Carol Linden

(Candidates for Certification in the Neuroscience of Personality)


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Binkley Baptist Church

6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Bring a dish to share; beverages provided

To Register scroll to bottom of page

Attendees of Dario Nardi’s “Neuroscience of Personality Certification Workshop” will present on what they learned about the brain and type.  In Dario’s words, “The neuroscience evidence suggests that type is meaningful and points to genuine variations in how we use our brains.”


Participants will learn more about:


  • How we use our neocortex (outer layer of the brain) according to our type, personal background, and experience.
  • Examples of what people who identify with the same type have in common and examples of how different life experiences change the cognitive skills we use.
  • What creates a state of flow for an individual.
  • Ways to build cognitive skills in areas of your non-preferred type preferences.
  • What is a brain map and what can it show us.

Krista Babbitt

Krista Lee Babbitt is currently a Manager of Operations in the Corporate Services Division at SAS, leading programs designed to grow the division’s capabilities in the areas of: communications, performance management, process improvement, team building and project management.  She has worked at SAS since 2000 filling various roles in staff and strategy development in Corporate Services and Human Resources.

Qualified in Myers-Briggs, Krista has lead workshops for over 20 years in corporate and private sector settings applying what she has learned from a host of local experts as well as presenters who visit the Triangle from other parts of the US.  These classes and workshops provided by, or coordinated through, the local Association of Psychological Type Research Triangle Chapter (APT-RTC) have been a rich resource for her development of type knowledge.  During this period of time she has served on the board of APT-RTC for several terms as president and program chair.

Krista has also been trained or holds certifications in a number of other areas including: Balanced Scorecard Methodology, Crucial Conversations, Employment Law, High Performance Teams, Interaction Management, Mediation, Meeting Facilitation, Situational Leadership II, Statistical Process Control, and Targeted Selection Interviewing.  She earned her BS in Forestry from Clemson University and her MA in Communication Studies from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


Carol LindenCarol A. Linden of Effective With People, LLC, has spent 15+ years in the software industry, as a documentation manager, cross-functional team leader, and internal organization development consultant at a $2.15 billion global software company headquartered in North Carolina. Since 2004, she has trained over 1,000 clients in all in Psychological Type, Temperament, and Interaction Styles.  She also conducts type application workshops on topics such as managing, leading teams, conflict resolution, communications, the type mix of a specific team, interviewing, teaching type to technical audiences, and using type in OD interventions with teams.

Her clients include SAS, TribeSpring, Ipas, Genworth, as well as the University of Richmond, the MBA program at NCCU, Wake Technical College, and the Montessori School of Durham. See her website: www.effectivewithpeople.com.

Carol is a member of the National Speaker’s Association and author of The Job Seeker’s Guide for Introverts and Extraverts, Fall 2014. She was qualified in MBTI® in 2001 and is an MBTI Master Practitioner.  She is Certified in Coaching by CTI (CPCC), in FIRO Element B and the EQi (by Henry L. Thompson), in SpeedReading People (by Paul Tieger), and is currently pursuing certification in Linda V. Berens’ The CORE Approach. She also holds certificates in Organizational Development and in Business Coaching from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

In September 2014, Carol speaks to the NoVA chapter in D.C. In March 2014, Carol spoke to the BAAPT chapter in San Francisco. In July 2013, she was the “Type and Careers” symposium speaker at the APTI conference in Miami. She also spoke at the 2009 and 2011 conferences in Dallas and San Francisco and at APTI chapters in RTP, Dallas and San Diego. In 2010 and 2011, she published a series of 2 articles in the Bulletin of Psychological Type, “Type in the Land of Technology: Who Shows Up and What Works.”  In 2007, Carol chaired the APTi conference in Baltimore.  Currently the leader of the APTI Type and Coaching SIG, Carol has held board positions for the international virtual chapter and for the APT-RTP chapter in North Carolina. She does pro bono work weekly for CJS, the largest jobseekers group in the RTP area, NC.

What we Learned from Dario Nardi

September 23rd, 2014

MBTI® Step III™ Certification Training

Please Note: The program below is NOT a sponsored program of the Research Triangle area chapter of APTi (RTP/APT). It is sponsored by CAPT (Center for the Application of Psychological Type) in Gainesville, FL www.capt.org. RTP/APT is advertising this program as a courtesy to CAPT. Contact CAPT for additional information and/or to register (800-777-2278). Sondra Van Sant is also happy to answer questions: 919-414-4336.


Unique Local Opportunity for Counselors and Certified Coaches who use Type with individuals

MBTI® Step IIITM Certification Training in the Triangle October 15 and 16, 2014

 Trainer: Sondra VanSant, LPC

Marriott Courtyard in Chapel Hill Opportunity for significant cost reduction (see below)

14 NBCC, HRCI, and MBTI® Master Practitioner CE’s available

To Register: http://www.capt.org/. Click on Step III in left menu box. Also Sondra Van Sant is happy to answer questions: 919-414-4336.

The MBTI® Step III is a powerful new tool for those of you who use type in working with clients on an individual basis by evoking in-depth conversations about specific behaviors and attitudes related to your client’s goals. Step III goes beyond identifying your client’s type to measuring how effectively that person is using not only his or her type but all eight of Jung’s functions involved in perception and judgment. In the familiar MBTI format, the instrument uses forced-choice items from Steps I and II plus additional items related to behavioral and developmental scales. However, unlike Steps I and II, the Step III report does not report numerical scales, but rather produces an individualized report of statements that reflect type development in four areas of life:

  1. General sense of self in the world
  2. People and relationships
  3. Work and responsibility
  4. Problem-solving.

Statements help focus conversation quickly on both positive behaviors and attitudes currently exhibited by the client as well as possible blind spots and are worded to avoid defensive reactions. The client does not have to understand type for this discussion, though it is important that the professional have a strong understanding of type. For more information, to see a sample report, or to register, check the CAPT website <www.capt.org> and click on Step III in the left menu box. You may also contact Sondra VanSant at 919-414-4336 with questions.


Further value added:

  • Your own Step III report and discussion with a professional
  • Five Step III booklets and Reports at no additional cost for those completing certification
  • “5 for 5 Scholarships” — a $500 return toward the $795 tuition for using these five administrations with five people within five months of the training (an incentive offered for a limited time by Katharine Myers, co-guardian of all things MBTI, to encourage use of this new instrument)
  • Opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a powerful new instrument locally–no need to use costly transportation.

For more information and/ or to Register: http://www.capt.org/. Click on Step III in left menu box. Also Sondra Van Sant is happy to answer questions: 919-414-4336.



July 17th, 2014

Exploring Effective Adult Learning

Exploring Effective Adult Learning

Through the Lens of Type


Presented by

Karen G. Ridout

Thursday, August 21, 2014


How do the principles of effective adult learning coordinate with type functions and attitudes? We’ll explore the principles of adult learning based on research, and identify the practices we can apply in our presentations and teaching so that type learning can be effective, useful and sustainable. This session will model the adult learning principles—we’ll switch the focus from passive to active learning; from what the teacher/instructor says about the content to what the participants do with the content to demonstrate their learning.

By the end of this session, you will have:

  1. Explored 6 principles of effective adult learning
  2. Briefly reviewed the 8 functions and 2 attitudes of psychological type
  3. Identified and named the relationship among the principles and practices of adult learning and type functions/attitudes
  4. Written a participatory learning task that incorporates inductive, deductive and experiential learning in a learning cycle.

Please join us!!!


About the Presenter

Karen Ridout

Karen has been teaching using Dialogue Education since 1997 and in 2007 Karen became a Senior Partner of Global Learning Partners. She has been consulting and coaching through KGR, Inc. since 1995.

Karen combines her extensive knowledge of psychological type with Dialogue Education™ to make the learning process flow so that the learner’s energy and work can be focused on engaging with the content rather than the process.



Bring a dish to share, beverages provided

Thursday, August 21, 2014

6:00 to 9:00 pm

Binkley Baptist Church: www.binkleychurch.org

Directions to Binkley: www.binkleychurch.org/about/directions


Cost: $20.00 for chapter members; $25.00 for non-members. Guests of members may attend at member price.

Exploring Effective Adult Learning

July 6th, 2014

Celtic Cycles: A Sensing Type’s Path to Wholeness

Celtic Cycles:

A Sensing Type’s Path to Wholeness

Presented by

 Ann Loomis


How does a Sensing Type access intuition?  What is his or her relationship to the natural world? How do the rhythms of the natural world facilitate the move toward wholeness?  These questions inform the topic of our program on September 18, during which Ann Loomis will guide us in experiential exercises from her new book, Celtic Cycles: Guidance from the Soul on the Spiritual Journey.

Drawing on the incoming energies of the autumn equinox, participants will learn how to:

  • Perceive through the mystical third eye;
  • Recognize and withdraw projections;
  • Write a dialogue with a spirit animal;
  • Interact with a fairy tale to engage the inner child.

Join us for a rich and informative evening that will also be a lot of fun!

About the Presenter

Ann Loomis

Ann Loomis is an experienced workshop leader, teacher, and author of Write from the Start: Discover your Writing Potential through the Power of Psychological Type as well as Celtic Cycles: Guidance from the Soul on the Spiritual Journey. She has twice been president of The C.G. Jung Society of the Triangle Area and is currently vice-president of the Triangle chapter of the Association for Psychological Type. She also serves on the Board for the Center of Ecozoic Societies. With her ancestral roots in Scotland and Switzerland, Ann likes to call herself a “Celtic Jungian.”

Bring a Dish to share, beverages provided

Thursday, September 18, 2014

6:00 to 9:00 pm

Binkley Baptist Church www.binkleychurch.org 

Directions to Binkley: www.binkleychurch.org/about/directions

Cost: $20.00 for chapter members; $25.00 for non-members. Guests of member may attend at member price.

To Register: 

Celtic Cycles: A Sensing Type’s Path to Wholeness

May 12th, 2014

The Basics Revisited

The Basics Revisited

Presented by

Stephanie Rogers

2.5 MBTI Master Practitioner, APA, and NBCC credits have been approved for this workshop.


Thursday, May 29, 2014 6:00 to 9:00 pm Binkley Baptist Church

Bring a dish to share; beverages provided.

Sometimes we missed it the first time, sometimes it just helps to hear it again.  Stephanie Rogers will present an overview of some foundation elements of type and temperament.  The shared language we use as type practitioners matters.  The integrity of what we say honors the legacy of the theory and enriches the experience of our community and clients.  Just to make it fun and memorable we will engage in some role play and shared experiences.  Come ready to move and share.


  • We will touch on the history of  Jung, Briggs, Myers, Keirsey, ETS, CAPT, APT, CPP
  • Decipher the Four Letter Type  Code (How do you figure out the dominant function?)
  • Temperament Myths (Why does temperament use different letter combinations)

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAStephanie Rogers, ENFJ, started her consulting practice, PurposePoints, in 1996 to serve individuals seeking to reframe issues of identity in order to more effectively integrate identity, purpose, and potential into the many aspects of their daily lives. Stephanie also applies her expertise in support of exasperated parents and harried educators, and she has always maintained a special research interest in the Artisan (SP) temperament. Stephanie began her work in temperament and type over twenty years ago and has served as an associate with Temperament Research Institute and as faculty for the Type Resources MBTI Qualifying Program. In addition to her previous experience as APTi Board Member ’93-’95, Stephanie has served the type and temperament professional community in three APT chapters: Orange County, CA, Indiana Chapter, and now APT/RTP.


Date: Thursday, May 29, 2014

Time: 6:00 pm (Dinner and Networking)   6:45 to 9:00 pm Program

Bring  a dish to share.  Beverages will be provided.

Meeting Location: Binkley Baptist Church, 1712 Willow Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27514  www.binkleychurch.org

Directions: www.binkleychurch.org/about/directions

The Basics Revisited

Special Offer:

If you are new to type and would like to take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, we offer new members and guests of members  a discounted fee of  $40.00 which will give you your four letter type code, a personality profile, and an introduction to type theory by a professional type practitioner.  Just add this fee to your cart and someone will be in touch with you.

Take the MBTI, May 29, 2014

May 10th, 2014

Brain Shift Now

Brain Shift Now

 Presented by

Dario Nardi, PhD


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Research Triangle Area Chapter  Program (RTA/APT)

6:00 to 9:00 pm Binkley Baptist Church Sanctuary

Can we change our brains?

Imagine giving your clients some tasks that will likely shift cortical activity! Neuroscience researcher and type master practitioner Dario Nardi says “Yes! We can,” especially when we keep personality in mind. See some video of these successes in his lab with people of different personalities, and some techniques and tasks you can use with your own clients. Attendees will enjoy a brief overview of the brain and type in general, including the exciting evidence for Jung’s original ideas.

Dario Nardi, Ph.D.Dario Nardi, Ph.D., has taught computing, general honors courses, and social science    at UCLA since 1998. In 2011, he won UCLA’s annual Distinguish Teaching Award. Dario is active in the psychological type community having chaired the 2009 Dallas International Conference for the Association of Psychological Type. He is the author of “Neuroscience of Personality: Brain Savvy Insights for all Types of People,” and presently conducts experiments using EEG brain-mapping technology to better understand personality.

Meeting Location: Binkley Baptist Church, 1712 Willow Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27514  www.binkleychurch.org

Directions: www.binkleychurch.org/about/directions

Date: Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Time: 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm 

Time: 6:00 pm Dinner and Networking: Bring your own bag dinner, beverages and dessert provided.

Cost: $20.00 for chapter members; $25.00 for non members. Guests of members may attend at member price.

College students with a valid college ID may attend for free.







May 10th, 2014

The Neuroscience of Personality

The Neuroscience of Personality

with Dario Nardi, Ph.D.


 Three Opportunities

Wednesday, April 30, 2014 (Hampton Inn)

1-Day “Brain Savvy Coaching & Leading” Workshop

Approved for 8 NBCC and APA CEU’s

Inside your brain are many of the keys to what make you and others tick. Imagine peering into the minds of your clients. Now you can!

Dario Nardi, PhD, shares key results and anecdotes from his neuroscience lab at the University of California, Los Angeles. In the lab, he views people’s brain activity in real time as they engage in activities from signing their name to participating in a speed dating game and handling decision making situations. The results are clear: individual personality differences matter.

Attendees will be able to:

  • Appreciate the 8 Jungian functions in depth
  • More effectively motivate and influence individuals of the 16 Types
  • Help people find and sustain a state of “flow”
  • Have practice with leadership and coaching
  • Confidently point to brain research behind the 16 Types

With these secrets in hand, attendees will be able to quickly and powerfully evoke the interest and capabilities of employees, clients, and students. Attendees will receive appropriate take-away handouts.

Note: This is a stand-alone event for people who do not wish get certification but would like to have more extensive knowledge of Neuroscience and Personality.

Cost: $179.00 for RTP/APT Members; $199.00 for non-members
College Students with a valid Student ID card may attend this first day for $45.00. ID must be presented at registration.

Wednesday, April 30 to Friday, May 2, 2014 (Hampton Inn)

3-Day Certification Workshop:

 “Neuroscience of Personality: Getting Brain-Savvy with All Types of People”

Approved for 24 NBCC and APA CEU’s

This 3-day certification program is based on Prof. Dario Nardi’s book, “The Neuroscience of Personality, includes and goes beyond the popular 1-day introductory workshop on the same topic.

What you will get:

  • Brain essentials
  • Scientific Basis of the Types
  • Jung’s 8 functions/16 Types
  • Coaching Tips and Activities for Coaching and Teams
  • Assess and build cognitive skills
  • Emotional dynamics

RTP/APT members for all three days: $1185.00
Non-members for all three days: $1385.00

College Students with valid student ID for all three days: $1045.00. ID must be presented at registration on the first day of the workshop.

Join RTP/APT and save on this ground breaking opportunity.
Dues are $40.00 per year and run from July 1 to June 30.

Cancellation Policy: 100% refund if you cancel on or before Friday, April 11, 2014. Due to the financial commitments we have to make on our part, no refunds can be given after April 11.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

“Brain Shift Now”

Approved for 2.5 NBCC and APA CEU’s

Research Triangle Area Chapter  Program (RTA/APT)

6:00 to 9:00 pm Binkley Baptist Church Sanctuary

Can we change our brains? Imagine giving your clients some tasks that will likely shift cortical activity! Neuroscience researcher and type master practitioner Dario Nardi says “Yes! We can”, especially when we keep personality in mind. See some video of these successes in his lab with people of different personalities, and some techniques and tasks you can use with your own clients. Attendees will enjoy a brief overview of the brain and type in general, including the exciting evidence for Jung’s original ideas.

Cost: $20.00 for members of RTP/APT; $25.00 for non-members. Guests of members may come at member price. College students with a valid student ID may attend free. ID must be presented at event.

Brain Shift Now (Apr 29 only)

Brain Savvy Coaching

3-Day Certification Workshop (Apr 29 – May 2)

Upgrade to 3 day Certification


With the exception of Tuesday night, April 29. Hampton Inn and Suites, Chapel Hill-Carrboro/Downtown 370 East Main Street, Unit 100, Carrboro, North Carolina, 27510. You are responsible for making your own hotel reservations. http://hamptoninn3.hilton.com/en/hotels/north-carolina/hampton-inn-and-suites-chapel-hill-carrboro-downtown-RDUCOHX/index.html


Times for workshops:

  • Research Triangle Chapter Meeting–Tuesday, April 29: 6:00 to 9:00 pm
  • Day 1–Wednesday, April 30 30: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Day 2–Thursday, May 1: 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
  • Day 3–Friday, May 2: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm


Dario Nardi, Ph.D.  Dario Nardi, Ph.D., has taught computing, general honors courses, and social science    at UCLA since 1998. In 2011, he won UCLA’s annual Distinguish Teaching Award. Dario is active in the psychological type community having chaired the 2009 Dallas International Conference for the Association of Psychological Type. He is the author of “Neuroscience of Personality: Brain Savvy Insights for all Types of People,” and presently conducts experiments using EEG brain-mapping technology to better understand personality.

February 14th, 2014

Using the MBTI® Step III

Using the MBTI® STEP III

Measuring Life and Work Effectiveness

 Presented by:

Sondra VanSant

clinical mental health and career counselor, and

CAPT faculty for certification in the use of the MBTI Step III

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

6 pm – Dinner & Networking, 6:45 – Program

American Underground Classroom

American Tobacco Campus

Cost: $15.00 per person (member rate)

Cost: $20.00 per person for non-members

Members may bring guests at the membership rate

(Bring a dish to share, beverages and workshop materials provided.)

Special opportunity

This is a rare opportunity for counselors and non-counselors alike, to learn more about MBTI® STEP III from an expert trainer/counselor/author.  Learn what it can do for you, and when it might be the right step for your client.


What makes it STEP III different?

The new Step III actually measures a client’s type development in four areas of life and work addressing specific behaviors and attitudes. The unfinished work of Isabel Myers archived at the University of Florida was accessed, and resources were provided for the seven-year effort to bring her work to light.  The effort incorporated new research, validation, and items to produce an individualized report, released last year as Step III of the MBTI, a version that does not require clients to understand or know their type.



This program (using lecture, brief exercises and time for discussion) will explore Myers’ concepts of type development as they relate to helping clients live and work more effectively and introduce the Step III.

Goals for this program:

  • Deepen participants understanding of type development in Jung/Myers’ view of healthy personality
  • Explore the impact of work and life decisions on effective and ineffective type development
  • Introduce the MBTI Step III and examples of its use.



Sondra VanSant, LPC, CCMHC (ret), NCCC (ret) worked as a clinical mental health and career counselor in Chapel Hill for over 20 years working with individuals, couples, families with teens and young adults, and work teams. She served on a qualifying faculty for the MBTI for 15 years, served on the Board of Directors for APTi, and currently is on the CAPT faculty for certification in the use of the MBTI Step III and for workshops related to type and counseling. She is author of Wired for Conflict: the role of personality in resolving differences, co-author of Great Minds Don’t Think Alike for educators and educational administrators, and author of online reports published by CAPT on type and conflict management. She was honored with the Roy Anderson Award by NCCDA in 2009.


NEW MEETING LOCATION  –  Directions to American Underground meeting room

Watch for posted APT ribbons marking the path to the meeting room.  On foot, exit the South Parking Garage in the NE corner via the steps or the elevator, Level C.  The meeting is in the Strickland Building on the other side of the water feature (take the brick stairway or follow the ramp in front of Tyler’s Tap Room to the bridge over the water feature).  We have been asked to use the farthest entrance, adjacent to the giant water tower and next to the Cuban Revolution restaurant.  Once you enter the Strickland Building, on the left there is a staircase to the lower level marked American Underground, take the stairway or the elevator straight ahead.  There is a security desk in the lobby if you require assistance.  On the lower level pass the glass conference room and continue past the computer offices to the middle of the hallway.  On the left you will see a break room and on the right will be Classroom 1, our destination.  The area is heavily patrolled and quite safe, particularly on game nights.  Accessibility without stairs:  elevators and ramps are readily available from the parking garage to the meeting room.

Link to Printable American Tobacco Campus Map


Driving Directions to American Tobacco South Parking Garage – No Parking Pass Needed This Time!

The Durham Bulls are out of town, and our program starts two hours before the DPAC show so we do not require parking passes and parking in South Deck is always FREE.

From I-85 (US 70):
Exit Downtown Durham (Mangum Street). Continue on Mangum through downtown, 2 miles. Follow parking signs to ballpark. The South Deck is just past the Stadium on the corner of Willard/Jackie Robinson and Carr Streets.

From I-40:
Take I-40 West to the Durham Freeway-147 (Exit 279B) to the Mangum/Roxboro Street Exit (Exit 12B). Keep straight up the hill for about 2 blocks (Willard St./Jackie Robinson) Ballpark Stadium is on the right. South Parking Deck just past Stadium on right. Corner of Willard/Jackie Robinson and Carr.

From 15-501 North Bypass:
Exit Durham Freeway South-147. Exit Mangum/Roxboro Street (12). Cross Mangum Street. Go Left on Roxboro. Follow signs for Durham Freeway North (stay to right). Cross Mangum Street again. Ballpark is on the right. You will see the South Parking Deck on the corner of Willard/Jackie Robinson and Carr Streets.

From I-540:
Take I-540 south to the I-40 exit. Take I-40 West until you reach the Durham Freeway-147 (Exit 279B) to the Mangum/Roxboro Street Exit (Exit 12B). Keep straight up the hill for about 2 blocks (Willard St./Jackie Robinson) Ballpark Stadium is on the right and just past the Stadium is the South Parking Deck on the corner of Willard/Jackie Robinson and Carr Streets.



July 27th, 2012

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