“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” -- George Santayana, The Life of Reason Vol. 1

Past Events

Halloween Social 2009 (Demonic/Daimonic Function) – presented by Carol Shumate

Type in the Land of Technology, October 2009 – presented by Carol Linden

Reports from APT International Conference, September 2009 – presented by attendees

Balancing the Opposing Functions through Writing, May 2009 – presented by Ann Loomis and Walter Smith

Making Your Trickster an Ally, March 2009 – presented by Bob McAlpine

How the Temperaments Sabotage Themselves, January 2009
presented by Stephanie Rogers and Walter Smith

Halloween Social 2008 (Witch/Senex Function) – presented by Carol Shumate

The Klein Group Instrument (KGI)
A New Leadership Assessment Tool, September 2008
presented by Mary Charles Blakebrough and Winnie Morgan

SpeedReading People
A One Day Workshop at SAS, May 2008
presented by Carol Linden

Carol Linden and Walter Smith leading a discussion at the SpeadReading People workshop at SAS in May 2008

Carol Linden introduces Walter Smith at the SpeadReading People workshop at SAS in May 2008

Sheila Richardson and Eileen Allen enjoying discussion at SpeedReading People workshop in May 2008

Sheila Richardson and Eileen Allen enjoy a discussion at SpeedReading People workshop

Relationships of the Heart:
A Matter of Type
by Stephanie Rogers

Ego and Shadow:
Typology as a Bridge to the Unconscious
by Dr. Louise Craig, Jungian Analyst

The Annual Porch Party of the RTP Chapter of APT

2007 APT International Conference
Taking Type into the 21st Century

2007 APTi Bi-Annual Conference

How to Lead a Team Using Personality Type Tools
by Hile Rutledge, Managing Partner of Otto Kroeger Associates (OKA)

Breaking the Ice: Ice Breakers for MBTI¨ & Other Groups Free Program and Potluck
Exploring the Dynamics of Type

2006 APTi South East Regional Conference
Type Across Borders

Walk Your Type: ‘On the Porch’ in Durham for Free Program and Potluck

Exploring the Dynamics of Type
A Four Day Workshop
by Dr. John Beebe

Managing Conflict Using Interaction Styles to Improve Communication, Teamwork and Leadership
by Linda V. Berens

The Communication Wheel™ A Workshop in Understanding the Ways we Communicate
by Walter R. Smith

8th Annual Post Conference Review and Potluck
APT XVI International Conference; World of Type – Portland Oregon

Tips and Tricks Using Type
Type and TLC: Training, Leading, Coaching

MBTI® Step II Workshop:
Unlocking the Interpretation and Application Secrets of the Step II Facet

Moving Through the World: Being Functionally Fit
Elizabeth Murphy on Psychological Development

Porch Party — Annual Chapter Social

Type and Teaching Workshop
RTP/APT Spring Learning Event Instructional Preferences in Online Learning with Dr. Lise Patton

MBTI® Qualifying Training and Linking The Eight Functions to Emotional Intelligence
with Roger Pearman

APT-RTP’s Winter Social: Type and Teamwork

6th Annual Summer Porch Party — Meet the New APT/RTP Board

APT Southeast Region Event: Wired for Conflict: The Role of Personality Type in Resolving Differences, facilitated by Sondra VanSant

When the Golden Rule Fails: A Workshop to Coach Executive Coaches, facilitated by Phil Wilson

Lunch & Learn / second in series on MBTI and Coaching

APT/RPT’s First SOCIAL of 2003 Celebrating April Fool’s Day

The Power of the Unscored Items, presented by Otto Kroeger

Coaching in MBTI Styles: Career, Executive, and Everything In Between with Helen Crompton

APT/RTP Fifth Annual Post-Conference Porch Party

APT SE Regional Conference “Reflections on Type: Past, Present, Future”

Personality Type & Spiritual Development Workshop with Type Author Lynne Baab as Keynote

April Fools’ PLUS ONE Social

TYPE & MONEY with Type Author Ray Linder

SE Regional TELEPROGRAM with Otto Kroeger Expanding the Mindset: We’ve Done the MBTI

Type and The Shadow: Your Hidden Powers and Possibilities Workshop

The S/N Difference How It Shapes the Way We Communicate

Southeast Region APT Conference 2000

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Event Calendar

October 2024
November 2024