“I believe with von Franz that access to the deep integrity of personality can be gained only through this primitive inferior function, and by a person who is well grounded in the standpoint of the superior function.” -- John Beebe, Integrity in Depth

Pearman Personality Integrator

A New Approach to Personality Type

The Pearman Personality Integrator

Presented by

Roger Pearman

Thursday, November 10, 2016

6:00 to 6:45 pm Potluck and Networking

(Bring a dish to share, beverages provided)

6:45 to 9:00 pm Program

Location: Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Cost: $10.00 members; $25.00 for non-members. Members may bring a guest at the member rate. Register below.

Special Offer: Take the Pearman Personality Integrator for only $60.00. However you must register before November 1, 2016 to be sent the instructions on how to take the Integrator. For a preview of the Integrator go to: https://tap.mhs.com/pearman.aspx

Ever coached an individual or presented type assessment results and have you coachee or class members say, “But this isn’t how I truly am at home.”  Or have them say, “I am not either one or the other—I’m both.”  Or maybe even, “these descriptions are very general and like a horoscope.”

With the Pearman Personality Integrator (PPI), your coachee or class participants will receive information about how they feel they Naturally are and what they feel they have to Demonstrate.  They will learn how much Extraversion and Introversion they rely on.  Their reports are one among more than a million possibilities—getting closer to a unique look.  Rather than stopping with four preferences, individuals get to look at their psychological type system at a deep level—the role of each mental function, such as Introverted Sensing or Extraverted Sensing for each person is examined.

Because development requires being able to flex, the Pearman Personality Integrator gives a report covering five essential aspects of flexibility.  Each individual receives results on the five areas of attention need to have the capability to flex to meet the demands of everyday life.

Psychological Type is about a system of perceiving and judging active for each individual.  The PPI gives you insight in to the entire system.  Participants in this program will learn about the development and science behind the PPI and see how the reports produce unique insights.  {You can choose to take the assessment and get your report by paying for the administration with your registration}.

Dr. Roger Pearman is no stranger to our chapter and we are glad to welcome him back. He is regarded as one of the world’s preeminent experts in the field of personality type, with over 30 years as an active proponent of continued research and exploration on the nature of psychological type. As a coach, author, academic, and researcher, he is the recipient of multiple lifetime achievement and contribution awards. His extensive work with personality has led to great insight into personality type and evidence for a deeper complexity needed in personality type assessments. The culmination of Dr. Pearman’s expertise and immense insight led to the development of the Pearman Personality Integrator, an assessment built on a strong foundation of theory, empirical data, and practical application.

Peaman Personality Integrator

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