“Jung encouraged his patients, as he encouraged Western civilization, to a wider sense of the whole range of archetypal perspectives, so that we can see how any attitude is but one of many, with a history and fate of its own.” -- John Beebe, Integrity in Depth

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Klein Group Instrument (KGI) – New Leadership Assessment

7:00 – 7:30 registration, 7:30 – 9:00 program

Location: Woodcroft Community Association, 5501 Fortunes Ridge Drive, Durham, NC

Cost and Registration: For Members $15, for Non-members $35, for program+membership thru 2009 $55. Drinks/light snacks provided.

Presenters: Mary Charles Blakebrough, KGI™, MBTI®, Career Coach, and Winnie Morgan, MBTI®, Professional Speaker and Trainer

Come join us to learn more about a new leadership assessment that grew out of Dr. Robert Klein’s doctoral research on group participation using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® at Harvard. It has just been published by CAPT and is being piloted locally within a Fortune 100 corporation.

Instrument Description and History

The Klein Group Instrument™ (KGI™) is a powerful self-report instrument that assesses people’s preferred ways of functioning in four domains: group leadership, negotiation, task focus, and interpersonal focus. The KGI helps people understand the roles they enjoy in groups, the tasks they may find difficult or challenging, and ways they can improve their effectiveness in these four domains. When the KGI is used within a group context, a KGI Group Profile aids individuals and teams in discovering ways to enhance teamwork and increase productivity.

The four major scales are broken down into nine subscales that provide you and your team with action steps to boost your performance. Currently, this is the only assessment available that allows you to address these four fundamental areas with a single instrument. Otto Kroeger Associates (OKA) offers a one day KGI training.

This introductory KGI workshop will provide an interactive focus on the four scales below and how the reports are structured. (It will touch briefly on the nine subscales.)

  • Leadership measures the ability of a team member to guide the group towards meaningful collaboration and successful task completion.
  • Negotiation Orientation measures the ability of members to listen closely to one another and to construct mutually acceptable agreements.
  • Task Focus measures the ability of members to devise a sound strategy for the task and to carry out the plan fruitfully.
  • Interpersonal Focus measures the ability of members to develop a team spirit and to attend to the feeling issues in the group.

Taking the KGI (optional)

If you would like to take the KGI ahead of our September 18 workshop, go to the Center for the Application of Psychological Type to take the instrument online. The individual KGI profile is $30. Be sure to download the User’s Manual. Both are required to self-interpret your results.  Send an email to Mary Charles Blakebrough or call her at (919) 493-5424 for information/questions.

August 23rd, 2008

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