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Elizabeth Murphy on Psychological Development


October 18 - 19, 2004 (TWO programs - CEUs available for each) 


Peace College, Raleigh

"Coaching and Mentoring Development Across Childhood, Adolescence, and Adulthood"

Date TUESDAY, October 19, 2004 - 8 am - 1 pm (limit of 50 people) - 
(NEW times/location) 
Location  Belk Dining Hall, President's Dining Room, Peace College
Cost $45 members, students; $60 non-members (Mid-morning brunch included)
$75 membership/program
Registration Required: Contact Tracey Daley at or (919) 781-7588 (registration form here)

This workshop focuses on psychological type development in three age segments. We examine the differences between immaturity and immature development. Discussions focus on identifying the level of self-control and function management expected at each level. Learning how to manage self and learning to recognize developmental levels in others is explored, as well as strategies to encourage development and adjust for developmental differences.

Objectives: Participants will...
1. Look at type development for three age spans.
2. Discuss skill expectations for each age group as it relates to type development.
3. Distinguish immaturity from immature development.
4. Identify strategies for accommodating type developmental levels in communications and interactions

Free Lecture
"Ready....Set...Go...: Watching Personality Development in Young Children"

Date MONDAY, October 18, 2004 - 5:30 - 7:30 PM - (NEW times)
Location The Flowe Bldg., Room 110, Peace College
Registration Required: Contact Tracey Daley at or (919) 781-7588 (registration form here)

The expression of psychological type preferences in the young child is critically different from the mature expression of that same preference. Come explore these differences and enjoy some examples of the unconscious energy of the personality of the young child.

Objectives: Participants will...
1. Look at examples of type expression in young children.
2. Discuss conscious control vs. unconscious drives as they relate to personality development.

REGISTRATION required for both events -- contact Tracey Daley <> or (919) 781-7588 (registration form)

Together with
Peace College, the APT RTP chapter will co-sponsor an evening lecture and morning workshop by Elizabeth Murphy, Ed.D, M.Ed. (INFP). Dr. Murphy is co-author of the highly regarded Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children (MMTIC) and the author and co-author of several books on the MMTIC, elementary education, and child development.

Her books include The Developing Child, I am a Good Teacher, A Teacher's Guide to Type, MMTIC Manual, and Make Them Reach When You Teach but Test for the Best. In 1993 she won the APT International Gordon Lawrence Award for contributions to type in education.  Currently a psychologist with a school district in
Texas , Dr. Murphy helps teachers and administrators structure curricula that respond to children’s developmental needs, special gifts, and talents.

Peace College
& the RTP Chapter of APT  

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