“Each person is unique. An ENFP is like every other ENFP, like some other ENFPs, and like no other ENFP.” -- Mary McCaulley, Introduction to Type

Using Type to Enrich Emotional Intelligence

Using Type to Enrich Emotional Intelligence

Roger Pearman, Ed.D., Presenter

Thursday, October 20, 2011

6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

6 pm – Dinner & Networking, 6:45 – Program

Diamond View Room

512 Mangum St. (Adjacent to the Durham Bulls Athletic Park)

Cost:  $15.00 per person (member rate)

$20.00 per person for non-members

Members may bring guests at the membership rate

(Bring your favorite main or side dish to share. Salad,
dessert, beverages, and workshop materials provided.)

Cost: $15.00 per person (member rate)
Cost: $20.00 per person for non-members

A copy of Roger Pearman’s book, “Introduction to Type and Emotional Intelligence” will be available for purchase at the reduced rate of $10.50 or may be purchased at time of registration.

Cost: $10.50 Presenter’s Book – Introduction to Type and Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is as all intelligences a combination of perceiving and judging—but the object of perception and management is emotions.  EQ is about how you identify key emotions in yourself and in others and how you use that information for constructive purposes.  All that we see and all that we manage in our life is influenced by our type.  It is not possible to consider emotional intelligence without also looking at how your time affects both your emotional make up and your use of certain key competencies to be effective.  This brief workshop will explore how you can see the powerful link between emotions and type and how you can use your type to leverage the knowledge that his brings.  Participants will experience several key learning activities and engage in special case exploration to see the practical use of type with emotional intelligence.

Roger R. Pearman, Ed.D., President, Qualifying.org, Inc.

Roger R. Pearman is the president and principal of Qualifying.org, Inc and Leadership Performance Systems, Inc. His company provides customized training programs and individual executive coaching. He has extensively consulted with executives and leaders in government, business, and education in the United States, Canada, and in Europe. Specifically working with entrepreneurial companies, his organization provides training programs that focus on: leadership development and change management, executive team development and team performance, succession planning and talent retention, and leading through company lifecycles and culture development for financial returns.

Formerly a vice president of operations for a financial services company, Roger combines his academic knowledge with leadership experience to provide effective training and coaching. As a senior adjunct trainer, feedback coach, and adjunct research associate with the Center for Creative Leadership, his work includes delivering services to public enrollment and custom programs.

Roger has written many books and training materials including:

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